

Discharge of Federal Income Taxes in Alabama Tax problems must be dealt with as soon as possible. When tax problems become overwhelming and other debts complicate repayment, some individuals file for bankruptcy. Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help you reduce or discharge your tax debt. An experienced Montgomery bankruptcy lawyer can help you… Continue reading Taxes

Inheritances in Bankruptcy

Debt Relief Attorney Serving Alabama Residents The impact of an inheritance on your bankruptcy varies depending on the timing of the inheritance and whether you filed under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. At Grainger Legal Services, an Alabama bankruptcy lawyer can advise you on the effect of an inheritance and help you navigate the challenges… Continue reading Inheritances in Bankruptcy

Helping Grown Family Members

Knowledgeable Lawyer Representing Alabama Clients in Bankruptcy Matters Taking on an adult family member’s debts as your own can be a huge risk and threaten your own financial security. Perhaps the person who needs help is an aging parent, but more often it is an adult child who can’t hold down a job and for… Continue reading Helping Grown Family Members

Getting Your Driver’s License Back Through Bankruptcy

Alabama Lawyers Dedicated to Helping Individuals Reorganize Their Finances Certain debts are nondischargeable, which means that filing for bankruptcy will not wipe them out. Among nondischargeable debts are traffic fines. These will not be discharged through Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and they must be repaid in Chapter 13 bankruptcy. When too many traffic fines accumulate, or… Continue reading Getting Your Driver’s License Back Through Bankruptcy

Failed Business

Legal Representation for Alabama Residents Facing Bankruptcy Many business owners sink their personal funds into a company and take on significant personal debt or guarantee their business debts. They don’t know where to turn when things start to fall apart, and they are unable to repay loans or other debts. If your business is organized… Continue reading Failed Business


Does an Alabama Bankruptcy Affect Eviction? If you rent your home, you may be wondering about the effect of bankruptcy on your tenancy. When you file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, an automatic “stay” is triggered. This means, creditors can no longer engage in collection activities; they cannot file lawsuits or engage in harassment.… Continue reading Evictions

Effect of Bankruptcy on Utility Services

Alabama Attorneys Guiding Individuals through Financial Reorganization If you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy, you may be concerned about the effect of bankruptcy on utility services, such as gas, sewer, water, electric, or telephone bills. Many debtors fall behind on their utility bills and have questions about whether they will lose service altogether by… Continue reading Effect of Bankruptcy on Utility Services

Effect of Bankruptcy on Security Clearances

Alabama Attorneys Serving Individuals Reorganizing Their Finances For government employees, defense contractor employees, or members of the military on active duty, it can be particularly stressful to file for bankruptcy. Often, they are unsure how this process will affect their security clearances. The Department of Defense has guidelines related to this issue, and they include… Continue reading Effect of Bankruptcy on Security Clearances

Divorce or Death of a Spouse

Compassionate Lawyer Guiding Montgomery Residents Through Bankruptcy Whether you lose your spouse due to divorce or death, the financial toll can be tremendous. Many marriages result in divorce due to financial trouble. Widowers also can suffer after the death of a spouse because of the loss of additional income from that spouse to pay off… Continue reading Divorce or Death of a Spouse


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